Data Breach At Mashable Exploits Users Details

Data Breach 7 Defence todayDecember 18, 2020 519 5

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Mashable, a major tech and culture news website had experienced a data breach which leaked the users’ personal information. 

This news was confirmed by Mashable itself that their database had been breached and that they had discovered the reader who used their social media sign-in feature to access the site have had their details posted online.

The data that had been exposed includes users full names, locations, genders, email addresses, IP addresses and links to their social media profiles.

The media company was quick to act upon the discovery of the breach. The suspect was not named by the company. They just said that a hacker known for targeting websites and apps was in fact behind the breach and responsible for the posting of the data online.

The hackers had been provided with enough information to be valuable to third parties looking to underhandedly gain information on users.

All the affected accounts had been disabled as a precaution and no password data was believed to have been taken. Mashable also pointed out that they do not hold any of its users financial information.

The company warned users to be wary of possible phishing campaigns as a result of the incident. They reminded its users not to share any passwords, personal details or payment information with other parties.

Mashable apologized to its users for the inconvenience caused by the incident. They said that they were working hard to investigate the issue and prevent it from happening again.

Written by: 7 Defence

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