Cyber security 7 Defence todayDecember 12, 2020 23 5

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Cyber Security is best described as the collective methods, technologies and processes to help protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems, networks and data against cyber-attacks or unauthorized access.

In this era, the digital era, the importance of data security nowadays is as crucial as the amount, content and sometimes confidentiality of the information put out there.

The frequency and severity of cyber-attacks and data breaches has risen significantly in the last few years. The attacks are indeed increasing in volume and variety. This exponential growth of the cyber threat is confirmed by figures from multiple institutions studying the current situation of cyber-attacks.

According to the cyber security coordinator India is hit by 375 cyber-attacks daily in 2020. The pandemic has surely come as a curse for Indian cyber security as there is a surge in cyber-attacks in the country.

People should be very careful about hoax calls and click-baits whose sole intention is to dig information from an internet user. The disease of just clicking on the link, this is another reason where the malware drops.

Today due to the high internet penetration, cyber security is one of the biggest need of the world as cyber security threats are very dangerous to the country’s security.

All organizations need to understand their threat environment and the risks they face, address their cyber security problems and hire the most appropriate people to do that work.

Written by: 7 Defence

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