
5 Results / Page 1 of 1


todayDecember 18, 2020

  • 93
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Cyber security + Ransomware 7 Defence

MountLocker -Analysis

Since the discovery of Mountlocker Ransomware at the end of July 2020, it took its pace very well and has been growing in essence, and has become very prominent & geographically versatile. Recently, BlackBerry researchers published a technical analysis of a new MountLocker variant. The latest MountLocker version first surfaced in ...

todayDecember 18, 2020

  • 199

Cyber security + Global news + Ransomware 7 Defence

Royal Dutch Cycling Union attacked by Ransomware

Royal Dutch Cycling Union (KNWU), the national governing body for cycling in Netherlands announced a data breach involving stolen data from its database consisting of members, personal and contact details on November 27, 2020. KNWU organizes cycling events and competitions in the Netherlands, providing a roster of benefits, discounts, cycling ...

todayDecember 18, 2020

  • 45

Cyber security + Ransomware 7 Defence

The Reign Of Egregor Ransomware

As the internet has made our life convenient and making us believe that we can trust them, are we actually safe while browsing the internet? Well, some people will agree & some will be contradicting but the question will still remain in doubt. Well, today I’m going to narrate about ...

todaySeptember 28, 2020

  • 408
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  • 198

Ransomware + Global news 7 Defence


The cybercriminal group has plagued firms with ransomware that were sent via spear phishing emails with COVID-19 lures, since March. A new cybercriminal group called OldGremlin has been targeting Russian companies – including banks, industrial enterprises and medical firms with ransomware attacks. OldGremlin relies on a group of tools, including ...